Posts with the tag “hope”
Three Steps Toward Healing 3
by Steven Pawley on July 9th, 2023
Have you sought the Lord for emotional healing over some painful or sinful event but the help just didn’t seem to arrive?
You’re in good company. Be of good comfort God is nearby.
These messages (steps) weren’t intended to become a “formula for success” over the challenges of life. But they are helpful steps toward getting some vital emotional healing when life hurts.
Moving from the hiding place - wounds, to the honest place - war, can be painful and frustrating.
Sometimes we skip or misstep getting to the place we want to be.
Toxic environments inhibit spiritual health and wellness. So do toxic people.
Make some space. God permits you to get around others who encourage steps toward and into....
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Three Steps Toward Healing 2
by Steven Pawley on July 2nd, 2023
When your story is dotted or defined by painful events, losses, abuses, traumas, failures, and sins committed against or by you it is easy to retreat to the hiding place. Hiding people are everywhere.
Like a wound under a bandage, the pain doesn’t go away in the hiding place. It can fester and manifest itself in all kinds of distorted beliefs and behaviors - sometimes for years or decades.
Emotional wounds left uncared for may become a silent or violent war that rages within and outward toward others. You really can’t hide it; you just learn to disguise it – we “mask the pain”.
Here's the second step to emotional healing...
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How To Get Out of A Rut
by Steven Pawley on June 18th, 2023
Did you ever do something stupid, and keep doing it while expecting different results?
You’re not alone!
Sometimes we want to get off the path we’re on, but are stuck in a rut – Same thing, try harder, get more stuck.
We can waste our life spinning our wheels. If that’s your story, this might help...
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God Can Rewrite Your Story
by Steven Pawley on May 28th, 2023
The Bible is full of life-changing and life-giving encounters with Jesus and the gospel.
When God touches a soul, rescues it, redeems it, repurposes it - that’s a story that must be told!
Whatever your past, present, or future the gospel believed and received rewrites it.
The gospel rewrites your story in such a way you cannot be silent about...
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God's Answer to Your Ineffectiveness
by Steven Pawley on April 16th, 2023
Many with whom we live, work, serve, and socialize are molested and managed by forces set on their destruction and we may lack the power to effectively engage to make a difference.
Let’s look at two people who need to engage against powerful forces bent on destruction but lack spiritual effectiveness.
One is a parent, the other a professing follower of Jesus. (From Mk 9:14-29): Read More
Are You Ready to Be Made Whole?
by Steven Pawley on February 12th, 2023
When you find yourself in a seemingly unchangeable situation, you know – “it’s been like this for years and nothing’s going to change it” – Jesus asks a question that can change it all.
If you’re ready for God to make real change in your life, the seemingly impossible kind of change, Jesus is right there to make it happen. Jesus is called the Saviour because in Him there is a solution to every situation of life.
But you have a role to play. Today, let’s face the impossible together and see what Jesus can do.
Jesus encounters a man who has been in a frustrating situation that he’s resigned himself to for life. It seems like there’s nothing he can do about it until he has an honest conversation with Jesus (Context - John 5:1-8).
Among the struggles – mental, emotional, relational, physical, financial, lame, halt, weak… Jesus asks a question: Read More
God is No Loser
by Steven Pawley on July 4th, 2022
What would you say to God if you had to flee in fear from someone very close to your heart?
If one in your own family built a coalition and convinced many to turn against and trouble you what kinds of emotions and thoughts would flood into your heart and mind and affect your mood?
Songs are often born of circumstance and David is having a time. What is one against so many is his cry! (From Psalm 3)
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