Posts with the tag “forgiveness”
Three Steps Toward Healing 3
by Steven Pawley on July 9th, 2023
Have you sought the Lord for emotional healing over some painful or sinful event but the help just didn’t seem to arrive?
You’re in good company. Be of good comfort God is nearby.
These messages (steps) weren’t intended to become a “formula for success” over the challenges of life. But they are helpful steps toward getting some vital emotional healing when life hurts.
Moving from the hiding place - wounds, to the honest place - war, can be painful and frustrating.
Sometimes we skip or misstep getting to the place we want to be.
Toxic environments inhibit spiritual health and wellness. So do toxic people.
Make some space. God permits you to get around others who encourage steps toward and into....
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Yes Good Men Fail. Now What?
by Steven Pawley on February 19th, 2023
What do we do when a good man has a moral failure? What does the otherwise good person do when they fail? People fail - good people.
You’ve probably heard it said, “Failure is prerequisite to success.” “Failure is success in progress.” “Fail forward”. “You fail because you’re trying.” “You haven’t failed until you stop trying”.
Some people fail because of success. It goes to their head. Or it goes to their heart: The fear or stress of success causes them to sabotage their progress.
Failure is part of life. Every great person of accomplishment “failed” to get there! God uses failures.
Let’s look at a good man who failed, the provision God has made for it, and face failure together.
How you handle failure makes all the difference in your world (From Gen. 9:18-29): Read More
One Anothering Well - The Essence of Life
by Steven Pawley on May 30th, 2022
If I were to ask you what is the essence of the Christian life, what would be your answer? What is the essence of our life together as followers of Christ?
When the “disciple whom Jesus loved” took up pen and parchment to write about what it means to be “Christian” he did not write about what the gospel says, he wrote about what it does.
If the gospel does anything, it profoundly changes one’s life and approach to relational health, because it turns on the light, reveals the problem, and rescues us from what hinders our life and relationships: Sin!
So, what is the essence of the Christian life? John argues for fellowship (From 1 John 1:3-7) Read More
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