Posts with the tag “choices”
Is God Breaking Your Ships?
by Steven Pawley on February 5th, 2023
Have you ever broken something to get someone’s attention?
My mom broke an ashtray when I was young to break up a fight between my older brothers! She got our attention!
God breaks things too. And when He does it should get our attention.
He does so to help, to hinder a bad choice, or to stop us from continuing in a bad decision or direction.
(Background: King Jehoshaphat was a great leader but gave in to a bad decision under pressure in the heat of the moment). Ever do that yourself?
So, God broke his ships to help without regard for the time, effort, or expense invested! (From 2 Chr. 20:35-37)
Consider some “ships” that God might be breaking or showing you that you need to break.
Now is a good time to consider each “ship” in your life, find out what God expects, and act wisely: Read More
I'm Ashamed. Now What? Three Questions.
by Steven Pawley on January 29th, 2023
Have you ever been perplexed by a decision you or someone you know has made? What was I thinking! What were they thinking!? We all have!
Good or bad decisions have consequences. We control the choices but not the consequence.
In fact, when we find ourselves facing problems because of poor choices, we may not be able to change the past, or present circumstances, but we can change our attitude and approach to the problem in a way that positively affects the future.
The harmful ways people choose to handle problems, the ruin wrought in relationships, the things they turn to, run from, or attempt to hide in the midst of fears, failures, and faults is legend – and it goes all the way back to the beginning: (From Gen 2:15-17, Gen. 3:1-8).
One little bite changed everything! Humanity happens to us all. Blame Adam!
But how we respond to the messes we make is consequential. Friend don’t run and hide. God will meet you in the crises, calamities and conundrums of our own making.
Let's look at three questions God asks when were in a conundrum and hiding from Him:
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You're Blessed if You Don't
by Steven Pawley on June 20th, 2022
t should not surprise us that the first Psalm to worship in spirit and truth is a song of warning. The heavenly hymnal starts with a negative: You’re blessed if you don’t!
It contrasts two courses of life: One is blessed; the other is barren. Which are you on? Wisdom plots but the fool plods on. (from Psa. 1:1-6).
The New Testament reminds us of the purpose of the songs we sing (Col. 3:16). It should be no surprise that the book of Psalms begins with teaching and admonishing about the blessed man and the wisdom he seeks and sings about. Read More
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