Posts with the tag “gospel-engagement”
A Faithful Man Who Can Find?
by Steven Pawley on June 4th, 2023
Some people are famous for what they know or do. Some for competency, others for character.
But what happens when character and competency align with a soul redeemed by Christ?
You meet a man or woman with a mission to make the gospel visible and accessible to all.
They’ve stepped into ministry to use their good character and competency to make a life-giving difference everywhere they live, work, learn, worship, socialize, and play.
Look at three things you can do to be more ministry minded and engaging with the life-giving gospel: Read More
What Kind of Christian Are You?
by Steven Pawley on April 2nd, 2023
If you were to say, “I’m a Christian” would it be reasonable to ask, “what kind?” I mean look around at how many different Christian churches, cults, sects, beliefs, and behaviors there are.
According to Jesus, your relationship to the Bible, your personal engagement with God’s word, reveals what kind of Christian (Christ-follower/imitator) you really are (John 8:31-32).
Your relationship to and time in the Bible makes Jesus want to cry and is cause for concern. I’m asking you to hear from God and identify what kind of Christian you are (From Lk. 8:4-18). Read More
You Don't Want Me to Go There
by Steven Pawley on November 14th, 2022
Engagement with the gospel locally is redemption made reachable. But we can get misaligned in our mission.
The church that is growing is a church that is changing -in part because each new person, each family brings a diversity of history, expectations, culture, perspective, goals, hopes… sins.
We all have them all. And we need to go there from time to time to stay healthy and cultivate an environment that fosters growth.
It’s what the rest of 1 Corinthians is about. Read More
It's A Mess
by Steven Pawley on August 1st, 2022
If I asked how messed up can a Christian be and still be saved? Or does God plant a church in a society captivated by sin, wealth, religion, immorality, indulgence, and idolatry, to bring light amid darkness and order among chaos and entrust her to graciously serve there? What book gives the answer and the antidote?
What might that church look like today and how would it manage the tension created by uncritical acceptance of cultural influences, clashing views, values, lifestyles, and levels of spiritual growth yet saved by the same grace? (From 1 Cor. 1:1-11).
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