Posts with the tag “healing”
God's Answer to Your Ineffectiveness
by Steven Pawley on April 16th, 2023
Many with whom we live, work, serve, and socialize are molested and managed by forces set on their destruction and we may lack the power to effectively engage to make a difference.
Let’s look at two people who need to engage against powerful forces bent on destruction but lack spiritual effectiveness.
One is a parent, the other a professing follower of Jesus. (From Mk 9:14-29): Read More
A Better Look for You
by Steven Pawley on March 5th, 2023
I’m on a personal journey to get a better look at who Jesus is.
At times I’ve misunderstood, misrepresented, and have been misguided about who He is, how He works, and how He sees others.
I need Jesus as He is, not how I want Him to be, believed Him to be, or how others who brought me to Jesus see Him.
I’m taking a better look. I need to find out what I’m not quite seeing right.
Growing up we were told “look twice” before crossing the road. It’s safer that way.
When cutting materials, “measure twice and cut once”. Mistakes are expensive and avoidable.
When we got bad news or had important decisions “get a second opinion”. Good counsel.
Instant replays give a better look at an important call. A better look can change outcomes.
We take a better look to see what’s in our blind spot or see a situation with a better perspective.
On a news site I visit there’s a game called “spot the difference”. I think I’m pretty good but how would I know what I’m missing?! Sometimes I need a better look. You might too!
Today, we’ll encounter Jesus doing something odd. I’ve had to look at this again - and again - and again. What is He doing? Why? What have I missed? What are you missing? (From Mk. 8:22-26)...
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Are You Ready to Be Made Whole?
by Steven Pawley on February 12th, 2023
When you find yourself in a seemingly unchangeable situation, you know – “it’s been like this for years and nothing’s going to change it” – Jesus asks a question that can change it all.
If you’re ready for God to make real change in your life, the seemingly impossible kind of change, Jesus is right there to make it happen. Jesus is called the Saviour because in Him there is a solution to every situation of life.
But you have a role to play. Today, let’s face the impossible together and see what Jesus can do.
Jesus encounters a man who has been in a frustrating situation that he’s resigned himself to for life. It seems like there’s nothing he can do about it until he has an honest conversation with Jesus (Context - John 5:1-8).
Among the struggles – mental, emotional, relational, physical, financial, lame, halt, weak… Jesus asks a question: Read More
Handling The Issue that Plagues You
by Steven Pawley on January 22nd, 2023
In our Wed. night dinner and bible study at church we’re talking about encounters Jesus has with individuals. (Btw you’re welcome to join us, we’re going to have a really good time together).
Recently, how Jesus met a very broken woman at a well and didn’t deal with her sin issue, He met her in her quests for fulfillment and the emptiness they produced. That was her issue.
Maybe that’s you. Everywhere you’re striving for meaning, for purpose, for significance, for fulfillment never quenches the thirst. Frustrating right? Jesus meets you there to talk.
Maybe you’ve been asked in a moment of heated discussion, What’s your issue? Maybe you’ve asked it yourself! The issue that plagues you might not be obvious. Friend, what’s troubling you?
What is causing that inner turmoil and relentless pursuit for fulfillment, for wholeness, that no matter what you attempt, what you achieve, what you gain or lose just makes the issue worse?
Well, you’re not alone. Jesus meets a woman in a crowd and deals with the issue that plagues her. He’ll do the same for you when you believe He (God) is the solution (From Mark 5:24-34):
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